Welcome to the website of the Fishergate, Fulford and Heslington Local History Society ( FFH for short )
We are a group of people interested in the history and heritage of the south eastern quarter of the city of York (generally YO10) including the Fishergate and Fulford Road area and the adjacent villages of Fulford and Heslington. Contact us at [email protected] This website is a local history mine! Dig in using the headings at the top of the screen to find the 'drop-down' tabs and click on the links to discover further information - Have Fun! You can become a member (form available HERE) for the very small sum of £5, which gives you reduced entry (£2) to our events. Non-members are very welcome at our events, but we'll ask £3 on the door. This just about covers our cost of hall hire, but not much more, so we rely on generous donations and grants. Tea and coffee, biscuits (and sometimes cake!) are usually served after our meetings, so you can chat with the speakers, meet new and old friends, look at our displays and buy our publications. ********************************************************************************************************************* HAPPY NEW YEAR! Our Next Event: Saturday 22 March - Our AGM + Glennis Whyte speaking on: 'Stitches in Time - sewn, woven and embroidered textiles in historic houses, including tapestries, carpets and upholstery'. 10am to 11.30am / 12pm at St Oswald's Church Hall, Fulford Road DOWNLOAD OUR 2025 PROGRAMME HERE Time to renew your membership - Download the form HERE ***************************************************************************** Look on the Events page to see our programme of meetings and guided walks. We sometimes add events to our programme so keep an eye on this page. Read about our past events on the Event Reports page HERE Links to other Local History Societies are at the bottom of our Events Page *************************************************************************************** Many of our speakers have kindly allowed their presentation to be made available for you to read. Just click on the title. Life in a Medieval Manor History of York Steiner School The Lost Village of Water Fulford 40 Years of archaeology in Fishergate Archaeology at the Rialto in Fishergate 2022-23 A Yorkshire Folk Park - A dream that nearly came true Remembering the Battle of Kohima - April-June 1944 The Role of a Conservation Architect A history of Bootham Park Hospital and the story behind its sudden closure Why are the Rowntrees still relevant - Arnold Rowntree Why are the Rowntrees still relevant - Seebohm Rowntree Remembering the men named on the Heslington church WW2 memorial Wildlife and wildlife management at York University A History of Fulford Grange The Fishergate Ring Fishergate Postern Tower The River Ouse Through Time Fishergate School Great War Armistice Commemoration Heslington's Churches and Chapels The Setting and Archaeology of old St Oswald's Church The 1951 Mystery Plays and the Festival of Britain (find out more about the Mystery Plays HERE ) Jane Austen and the York Lefroy Family + Transcript for talk Fulford's Lost Shops Dr McFetridge's talk on The Retreat You can also download pdf's of most of the presentations given at our June 2013 conference on Food and Farming in Early Heslington Look at the EVENT REPORTS page for more information about the talks by our amazing speakers Scroll further down this page to see our latest News |
New additions to our website
The Smith families of Fulford Remembering the men named on the Heslington WW2 memorial Fishergate Archaeology Archaeological Investigations at Heslington East Campus Victorian wallpaper and other features at 82 Ambrose Street The University of York Heslington Hall Gardens Heslington Hall - a history York 800 exhibition panels by Dick Raines Ordnance Railway, new article A History of the Fulford Grange Estate Celebrating our first decade! 77 Squadron at Elvington Dr McFetridge's talk on The Retreat Siward's How Water Tower History of the Glassworks in Fishergate (with photographs) Understanding York's Street Names A History of the Fishergate Rialto ********************************************* The oldest building in the FFH area: Read about our conference on the 'The Historic Mystery of Old St Oswald's Church' HERE And hear Prof Jane Hawkes talk about the Anglo-Saxon cross HERE An excellent overview of the history of Fulford was written by Malton Archaeological Practice for the Germany Beck development.
Read it HERE Buy our Publications:
Order via our message box HERE History Tales from Heslington Hall's Gardens A booklet by FFH member Charles Patmore telling the story of the amazing topiary and other features in the garden of Heslington Hall - Only £5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A History of the Fulford Grange Estate A booklet by FFH member Christopher Rainger packed with information about this popular area between Fulford Road and the river Ouse - Only £10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Origins and Significance of Old St Oswald's' Church A thorough investigation of the history and archaeology by Jon Kenny, Ailsa Mainman & Christopher Rainger - Only £5 Published by Yorkshire Archaeological Society - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We researched the lives of all 179 men named on local Great War memorials: St Oswald's Church memorial: £5 each or all 3 volumes for £10 Volume One: Men of Fulford. Volume Two: Men of the Barracks and Alma Terrace Area Volume Three: Men of Fishergate Also: Men of Heslington - £3 Fishergate School - £10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We have also researched the lives of the men named on the Heslington Church WW2 memorial - £3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Buildings and People of Fulford: The Saddle Inn - £10 More booklets to follow |

Guided Walks
We have published some terrific Guided Walk leaflets which you can download and print at home
- A guided walk around the Fordlands Road area at the southern end of Fulford, pointing out interesting and historical aspects of the buildings and landscape, with a map and photographs to help walkers follow the notes.
Download it HERE.
- Louise Wheatley has also produced an Alphabet Walking Trail for young children.
This delightful and playful quiz follows the route of the Fordlands Road Trail, looking for plants and animals to match each letter of the alphabet. eg. E is for Elderberry...
Download it HERE
- We have also published a walk telling the story of houses along Main Street, Fulford. (pictured left) Illustrated with delicate drawings by Martin Lomas.
Download it HERE
- Our information-packed Fishergate walk begins at the Postern Tower, then past the former cattle market and Fishergate School to Blue Bridge Lane and Brownie Dyke.
Download it HERE
You can also download our information leaflet on the old church of St Oswald, HERE
And our leaflet on the Fulford Biscuit HERE
We have published some terrific Guided Walk leaflets which you can download and print at home
- A guided walk around the Fordlands Road area at the southern end of Fulford, pointing out interesting and historical aspects of the buildings and landscape, with a map and photographs to help walkers follow the notes.
Download it HERE.
- Louise Wheatley has also produced an Alphabet Walking Trail for young children.
This delightful and playful quiz follows the route of the Fordlands Road Trail, looking for plants and animals to match each letter of the alphabet. eg. E is for Elderberry...
Download it HERE
- We have also published a walk telling the story of houses along Main Street, Fulford. (pictured left) Illustrated with delicate drawings by Martin Lomas.
Download it HERE
- Our information-packed Fishergate walk begins at the Postern Tower, then past the former cattle market and Fishergate School to Blue Bridge Lane and Brownie Dyke.
Download it HERE
You can also download our information leaflet on the old church of St Oswald, HERE
And our leaflet on the Fulford Biscuit HERE
We sell Greetings Cards with historic pictures of Fishergate Tower, New and Old St Oswald's and Old Heslington Church: £1.50 each or £4 for all four. (click on the images to see them)
News from around our patch
(contact us if you have a news story or website content we should add) This column has lots of links to newspaper reports and other interesting sources of information. Scroll down and see what you find! November 2023
February 2023
November 2022
March 2020
Local History Research
Members of our society research a wide range of topics and you can find many of their reports and articles on this website. Please get in touch if you want to join us to discover more about our area, or wish to undertake your own research. We have an ever-increasing archive of maps, photographs and documents, and many folders of information about Fishergate, Fulford and Heslington. Our archives have information on the following topics: Heslington
There are some topics we would like to research but need people to help us find information. Maybe you would like to get involved in the search? Subjects include:
Please let us know if you have an idea for local history research. Find out about our Area
FulfordA linear village south of the City, with many 18th and 19th century houses and a 12th century former church. The site of the Battle of Fulford is at the south end of the village.
Fishergate & Fulford Road![]() An area of 19th and 20th century housing, from the City Walls, Fishergate Postern Tower and Fishergate Bar, running south down Fulford Road past Imphal Barracks and east to Walmgate Stray
HeslingtonDominated by Heslington Hall and the University of York, the village of Heslington retains the charm and county feel of a small rural farming village.